
Ways to get in touch with me

The reflection sessions can take place by telephone, via Zoom, or on site in my practice. The session lasts 45-60 minutes and costs €65. You can send an email via the contact form and I will contact you. You can also ask any questions there.

Massage lasts 30-45 minutes and costs €40.

Interested? Please contact us without obligation

You can send a message without obligation via the button below and I will contact you.



Hi Kelly,

Thanks again for the time and the new perspectives.

"I went to a therapy some time ago and it helped enormously. I cannot say what can be expected, everyone has their own challenges with unique solutions. What I can say is that there is an enormous amount of knowledge and energy is present to help with what is holding you back to be who you are The first step is to ask yourself if you would be willing to make your life better if you can, if you can answer yes is Kelly the ideal person to show you the way and to support you in your transformation to your true self "


Jules Meuwissen

Wow, the appointment with Kelly was super special and provided me with a lot of clarification. Kelly really takes the time for you and continues until a solution or clarification is found. She is very good at asking questions and knows exactly where your bottlenecks are and when you can get more out of you. I cannot thank her enough for this special conversation that gave me a push in the right direction!

