
The Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction.

Adjust your frequency.

The law of attraction teaches that everything that has the same frequency attracts each other. An important law that we have to deal with. Just as gravity works on a child who does not yet know what this force is called or whether it exists, the child will not suddenly fall up, the law of attraction also works equally for everyone. This law tells us that everything is frequency. It is easy to compare it with a radio. If I hear a piece of music on, for example, 3FM, but you listen to another channel, this does not mean that what you do not hear does not exist. So if your dream life, with the accompanying feelings, has a frequency, but you spend the rest of the day doing your work stressed (so on a different frequency), you should not be surprised that your dream life escapes you completely. So the trick is to first feel how your dream life feels and then pick it up as often as you can so that you make it your own. The moment you are able to have this frequency stable enough under all circumstances, you are living your dream life!