
This is my unique addition to the whole

I love being in a one-on-one conversation with someone who is trying to change his or her own life. To turn from unconscious consequences to conscious choices. I love the depth and connection you have with each other at these moments. It works best if you open up completely in a safe environment that you create together. Bringing out your core is a natural challenge for me. I always use my intuition to get the most out of it. I also make use of my mediumistic gifts. As a result, I do not only hear what you say, but I also hear what you mean. From there it becomes clearer which path you could take, if you so choose. This is who I am, this is what I am here to do in this special period of consciousness expansion for humanity as a whole on this beautiful planet Earth.

Through the blog I will share what:

inspires me
keeps me busy
touches me
makes me think
makes me feel good
provides me some information
satisfieds me
makes me happy
gives me direction

A hobby that got out of hand

Towards a ready-made formula for living in ecstasy

I can't help but remember thoughts of a way of life where everything just goes smoothly. And not just for myself. Not some kind of fairytale or dream, but just here in everyday life. Where no questions are left unanswered. Where no talent or idea is put aside because it has no market value. Where you don't have to behave in a certain learned form, but act out of inspiration instead of motivation. Where you can live honest from your heart.

  • If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

    Nikola Tesla

  • The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.

    Nikola Tesla

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