
Who I am in a nutshell

Who I am is so much more than my name, age and gender. Who I am is primarily consciousness. Consciousness that, among other things, has assumed a temporary form that bears the name Kelly van Marion. Consciousness that experiences all facets of life. I have cried and laughed, I have been unsure or sure of my case. For example, I am selfish and caring and have made friends and foes along the way. I must also admit that I have learned a lot from the most difficult or emotional events. Who I am is someone who will not resist understanding the deep meaning of life. And not to forget someone who is committed to not only finding happiness in this quantum soup, but continuing until I live my life in ultimate freedom!


The love for a meaningful existence

As a child, Kelly was already convinced that there is more than the sober reality in which we seem to live and function. Although in society almost all value is attached to how you use your mind and intellect, what diplomas you have and what your ambitions are, if you look a little further you will come to the conclusion that all of this does not function in isolation still produces a peaceful society. But to put a finger on what it is that makes everyone bloom and therefore gives the best addition to the whole, that was not immediately clear. The image became increasingly clear to her through esotericism and, for example, many conversations with different people. But life itself also offered her the opportunity to investigate, compare and understand. Hours and hours, day after day, year in and year out, she gave her time and energy to the issues that bring about meaningful life. It never occurred to her to stop, even if she encountered misunderstanding or setbacks. Her biggest dream was to make it so clear that it could be verbally conveyed to others in bite-sized chunks. This process is still ongoing, only from now on she has decided to share it with the rest of the world.

The most logical way of presenting.

I made this piece for everyone who would like to know the usual way of who I am. My name is Kelly van Marion. I am a 47 year old woman at the time of writing this. I am married and the mother of a son. At home we have a dog and 3 cats, which we really enjoy. In daily life I work part-time in an outdoor shop and I take care of our household. In my spare time, I love to gain insight into how you empower yourself and consciously create your own life , via YouTube or other sources of information. And consequently be satisfied and even happy. And I don't mean like the monks, for example, give your whole life in silence, but everything while living a busy life completely intertwined with society. Other leisure activities include gaming, meditation, daydreaming or reaching out to family and friends. I also started to learn Chinese since the beginning of 2020 and I really enjoy it! I am intuitive and almost always let my feelings determine what the next step will be. Welcome to my world.

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