


The energy centers of your body

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for energy wheel. According to ancient Indian traditions, these are rotating energy centers in our body. In most traditions there is talk about seven chakras, some describe more and these are located above and below the body, but in the same line as the other 7 chakras. The seven chakras go from base to crown over the spine and all have their own frequency. Each Chakra radiates through the body and has a specific influence for that Chakra on the organ functions, the blood circulation, the hormone balance and also on the emotions and thinking. In doing so, they transform the cosmic life energy (Prana), which permeates man. All Chakras are traditionally connected with colors, symbols and mantras. The teachings say that if there is imbalance in someone, this is also visible through the chakras and can be healed. For example, the crown (violet) stands for knowing, the third eye (indigo) for seeing, the throat chakra (blue) for speaking, the heart chakra (green) for feeling, the solar plexus (yellow) for decisiveness, the sacral chakra (orange) for feeling and the tailbone chakra (red) for being. With this basic knowledge you can get started with the imbalance by means of gemstones, plants (herbs) and emotions if you wish. You can sense a lot yourself when you sit down and focus on it. If you want to know more about it, you can go to an alternative healer who specializes in this or you go deeper into the material by looking up information about it for example via the internet.