


Carrier of emotion

A recognizable method that we all use to change or strengthen our emotions is music. There is an enormous variety to be found. Whether it is to get energy, process grief, or just meditate quietly, with music you can go in any direction. It seems as if we have little or no resistance to this and allow music to play with our emotions. The impact this can have is, in my opinion, very great. Music lets you completely transport you to a different frequency if you wish. A fantastic way to quickly feel good again is to play your favorite song loudly, at home or in the car for example. I am not a musician myself, but making music seems to have the same effect. And then there is the use of the voice through singing, which is more accessible to most people. It is wonderful to hear all the different music styles from all over the world. There are tribes and oldcivilizations who passed on their wisdom to the next generation through songs. The Aboriginals and Indians, among others, have done this and there is still songs to be found on YouTube. All in all, music is a great way to use yourself to send your emotion in the direction you want!