


A powerful subject

Perhaps the most discussed and described topic I can think of. And it is certainly a feeling issue too. Love is associated by everyone with positive feelings. It can be about love yourself, love for your profession, a pet, a fellow human being, nature and you name it. Love is linked to a relaxed feeling and also, for example, the symbolic rose. Making love also has everything to do with a respectful situation without resistance. In addition, we see the shape of a heart and our heart as an organ also refer to love again and again. It is not for nothing that most of the ways we have learned to pray over the centuries, in all kinds of different religions, we are holding ouw hands infront of our heart. There are different cultures that describe this and they tell us that when the hand is placed on the heart, your focus is on the heart. And that is precisely what it is all about. The moment you easily bring your focus to the heart through touch, you activate love. Your breathing changes and your body knows it can rest. You don't do this attitude when you have to flee. So putting your hand on your heart ensures that your body produces other substances than when you are in a stress situation, for example. I personally believe that love is essential to have a good immune system and to be happy. From love there is no urge to compete and you are more inclined to let someone else be an addition. Let me close this blog with a wish: that love may conquer your world!