
Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Harmony in the living environment

Feng Shui is a more than 3000 year old philosophy that describes the relationship between people and the living environment with the aim of creating harmony in it. Feng Shui literally means wind and water, after the funeral book Zang Shu (葬 書) which says: "Qi floats on the wind (feng) and spreads, but stays where it meets water (shui)". Qi is the life energy that flows through everything. Here, too, the basis lies in the fact that everything is considered energy, symbolized by 5 elements that interactively together form a whole. This means that the different rooms in a house, for example, are assigned a separate element, depending on the direction where the room is located. Here, the compass looks at where the north, south, etc. are located. But the different spaces already have a link with the elements through their function. For example, the kitchen naturally has an earth energy, because the food that is prepared there comes from the earth. All elements have their own energy that can be expressed in objects. For example, the element of fire includes objects that touch your heart and passion and give you inspiration, including photos that make you happy. An optimal relationship between natural and created forms is looked at in order to have a positive effect on humans. Feng Shui is considered pseudoscience. A lot of use is made of fresh flowers, gemstones and plants and let's face it, who doesn't like that?