


Indispensable for everyone

You have a considerable influence on the substances that you add to your body through your food. Since your body makes the new cells from the nutrition offered, this is an important topic. It is a topic that comes up every day. There is quite a bit on the market. A huge range that also differs per location and season. Again, there is not just one guideline, but we all differ in needs and preferences of tastes. If you have a lot of physical work, it makes sense that you burn more than you barely move anyway. In addition, the metabolism is different from person to person. However, not only the quantity is important, the quality of the food also counts. Of course you do not want your new cells to be (too much) affected by pesticides, fragrances, colors, flavors, etc. This means that you have to consciously choose what you bring in through your food. A varied diet is also decisive for a vital and energetic body. Try to stay with your own feelings and be honest with yourself about what your choice of food does to you. I think we know, all from our own experience, how a healthy body positively influences the mind. That is that when we say, feeling comfortable in your own skinis, has to do with your body as well as your state of mind.