
Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water crystals

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered through high resolution photography how the shape of crystals formed in frozen water changed when thoughts were concentrated on them. He photographed how water exposed to love shows beautiful intricate patterns, while in negative words the water developed asymmetrical and incomplete crystals. He himself said that as a result of his research, he was convinced that seawater holds the memory of all beings that have ever lived in the ocean and that our glaciers could contain millions of years of Earth's history. But this research tells us a lot more. Namely that water reacts to intentions or emotions. Our body contains between 55% and 75% water, depending on our age. Here it becomes clear how much influence our state of mind has on us. As it is then easier to photograph when it is frozen, there is of course also a clear difference in the frequency in water. With this knowledge you can take advantage of your emotions by consciously evoking a desired emotion and determine the physical form of your water or blood. It seems plausible that illness or health are closely related to this.