


The art of connecting with yourself

You've probably heard of it: meditation. We have done this for centuries and is approved by all religions. What is it actually, meditation? The goal of meditation is to ignore what is happening around you, the outside world so to speak. You turn your attention and focus inward. There are many different techniques available. It is of course useful if you know how to start. But you could also do it without being trained in it. Despite the possibly learned method, most practitioners give it their own twist. Logical, because we are all different. For one person this is trying not to have a thought and for another this is listening to what is happening inside. Some visualize in meditation. Either way, it is wonderful to take the time to create a moment for yourself. A kind of pause from all the impressions you get through your senses. It is known that people who meditate regularly are more likely to be happy and less likely to feel not being in control of life.